Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Uberman Sleep Program Commencing

I have decided to alter my sleeping patterns, namely by sleeping only 2 hours per day. I will take a 20 minute nap every 4 hours, resulting in 2 hours of sleep every day. Apart from giving me 22 hours to do with as I please, this should also help cure some of my sleeping problems and, paradoxically, give me more energy.

A normal sleep session lasting 8 hours contains perhaps 1.5 hours of REM sleep, the crucial stage in the sleep cycle where muscles relax and dreams occur. The other 6.5 hours spent asleep are essentially useless; they give your body a chance to relax, but they do not serve an essential physical or mental function. The goal of the program I am attempting is to trick my body into producing only REM sleep, but 2 hours instead of 1.5 hours. It will take probably a week for my body to adjust to the new cycle, a time during which I will probably be grumpy and almost delusional. After my body finally discards the non-essential stages of sleep in order to maximize the REM sleep, I will get more vital sleep than the average sleeper and have more energy, as I will receive a 20 minute dose of REM every 4 hours.

Wish me luck...

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